
December 3rd & 4th…Christmas Open House Here

November 28, 2011 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Saturday & Sunday are fast approaching. But life continues to interrupt my life. Off to the One of a Kind Show today. An enormous amount of advertising has been done this year. The most that I have ever seen. And it would appear that the quality of the show has improved. I had noticed this trend a couple of years ago. We hadn’t gone for several years as we saw a decline in quality but have returned as there is definitely an upsurge and once again it is a pleasure to go. This used to be one of the premier events of the year. I can remember going during the week and facing huge crowds. I guess now with so many studio tours, week end art festivals and so on, there is a lot of competition for time and the public’s dollar. And it is not inexpensive to be part of this show. I would think that costs would go from at least $3000 and up depending on where the artisan is from. (never end a sentence with a prepositon…grammar class). Also an artisan cannot be part of another show or event within a certain radius of Toronto in the previous month. I spoke to one woman who said she brought 1500 pairs of earrings. Amazing!
Scott Barnim is having his Christmas event staring Dec. 3rd as well. Dundas could be one stop shopping!! He has 20% off in his showroom. This continues for about a 2 week period.
Now off to the show!!

Posted by Stephanie @ 9:29 am

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