

October 21, 2010 | Filed under: Uncategorized

The studio tour was a huge success. I think that this was the highest number of people that have ever visited my studio. And I thank each and every one for doing so. It was a pleasure to meet you and to see how appreciated my work was. You honour me!
My guest Michelle Guitard, sold 5 paintings which is just wonderful. People are coming to the studio tour and expecting to see her work. It was outstanding with one painting taking a new direction. Artists constantly evolve. It is a given.

And as usual, my friends, who help me during the studio tour, and I had a lot of fun. I love the fact that they are so willing to help and also look forward to doing so. It fills me with pride and a great deal of gratitude.

I am now slowly surfacing from the aftermath of the week end. The showroom has been tidied and now I am looking at my work space and thinking about tackling that. Altho I can be a great procrastinator. Books beckon me, I do love to read. But I must address the task at hand. I have a number of projects as a follow up to the studio tour and need to get started. I had hoped to take a week off but the MACFAIR is coming up in mid-November (details on my events page). And I am in the planning stages for my Christmas Open House which is the first week end in December starting with Friday, Dec. 3rd.
I saw the surgeon a few days ago. He was not too impressed with the mobility of my hand. Now it is aggressive phsysio-therapy and sweat and tears. He said also that my arm is capable of being as weight bearing as it was before the break. My major problem now seems to be strength in my hand and I drop things frequently which means that it takes a great deal longer to complete tasks. So that agility has to improve. All it takes is time.

Posted by Stephanie @ 12:54 pm

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