
2014 – May it be a good year for everyone

January 7, 2014 | Filed under: Uncategorized

madeleine and N.Y. pearls 014The Christmas and New Year’s festivities have passed and here it is the New Year. I have started planning for my Spring Open House which is always the first week end of March, and of course, planning has also started for the Spring Beyond the Valley Studio Tour. Two events fast approaching or so it seems.
The week end before Christmas I was in New York City with some members of my family. I really hesitated about going as it was so close to Christmas and I absolutely had to be back on Dec. 23rd. Our flight for home was to leave the evening of Dec. 22nd. With weather being so iffy, I was worried about flight cancellations. Well, if my flight cancellation was a wish, it wouldn’t have happened. As it was, every flight was cancelled out of New York that was going to Toronto. So there I was in a panic, but fortunately, due to my daughter’s expertise with flights (she travels a lot for business), we were on a plane Dec. 23rd at 7:30 a.m. and I am happy to say that I was able to be back in time.
The image is of freshwater pearls that are bezel set in silver…just gorgeouse. Expect to see them in earrings and necklaces for the Spring.
I was very very happy with this find.
While in NYC, we went to many excellent restaurants…one Okaya unfortunatley gave away our reservation which was for 6 p.m., shortly after. We arrived at 6:10. Very disappointing but they were smart enough to make sure we were seated about 7 p.m. And I must say, excellent food and excellent service. This policy of theirs, that you must be exactly on time, was posted nowhere and not mentioned at reservation time. And in NYC, it is not always possible to arrive exactly on time. My brother and I took a cab from the lower East side to FA Shwartz toy store. The cab crawled the last few blocks as the traffic and pedestrians were so dense. It was wall to wall people and I kid you not. The line up to the toy store was around the block so needless to say we did not get in. We stayed on W31 Street which was not as busy. Had lunch one day at Balthazar which is a French Bistro. Wonderful seafood array of 3 platters stacked on a stand. Eating and drinking that is what it was about. We also got to the Old King Cole bar at the St. Regis, where I understand the first Caesar was created. Might I say that each Caesar was $25. And the bar was packed. And the service was not particularly great. I think that the 2 waiters were overwhelmed. There was a original Maxwell Parrish mural on the wall. This was part of a restoration. I have a print by him that I love but the mural did not appeal to me.
NYC is a great walking city….love being there.

Posted by Stephanie @ 3:59 pm

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