
The Painful (exceedingly) Saga Continues!

August 8, 2010 | Filed under: Uncategorized

Surgery on my arm was July 26th. It was a horrific experience.

But first the lead up. No bed for me at the hospital as I mentioned in my last post. So after 2 days of no news, I started calling the hospital, the surgeon, the fracture clinic doctor- you get the picture. It seemed that nothing was going to happen. It was frustrating, frightening and painful. I was anxity ridden.
On the 25th, I got a call from the hospital that a bed was available and I was to go in that evening. I was ecstatic and grateful-I had been saved!
Once in a ward, it became apparent that no one was sure of what was going on with me. A lot of surprised expressions when it was learned that this fracture was almost 4 weeks old. The orthapaedic resident met with me, having obtained pertinent info. I was going to have the surgery the next day by the on-call surgeon. It was obvious that some kind of stability would have to be provided for the ulna-a pin or a plate. The surgeon would decide.
As it turned out, only one operating room was running,(which was typical during this 2 week period)) so altho my surgery was scheduled for the next day, it could be delayed if emergencies came up. Also the anaesthiologist covered maternity.
And it was delayed-but not for long. The surgical team was absolutely great. As were the nurses on the ward!!
BUT-on awakening from the anaesthetic-I found myself in excruciating, excruciating pain-like my arm had a hot heavy, heavy iron pressed on it-it was unbelievable and I can really understand why torture works. This was the worst pain that I had ever experienced in my life. The recovery room nurses quickly increased my pain medication but I will never forget. A resident said that I was probably brought out from the anaesthetic too soon. (at least I am lucky that I have never reacted badly to anaesthetics.) I would wish this experience on no one!
My arm has a plate, which will be there forever, holding the ulna together. Sometimes I find it hard to fathom-from a simple walk to this!!
I now have another cast on, protecting my arm and providing stability while it heals. I will see the surgeon in 9 days. It has been extremely painful these last 2 weeks-and I don’t do well with pain medication but I take it as I welcome any relief.
I have had to cancel exhibiting at a show and of course going to Chicago. I very much would like to work on my designs but can’t. I do have some wonderful new stones-Sunstone from Oregan is fabulous-a sparkly topaz colour.

I am so hoping that my arm is healing as it is supposed to.(I am really afraid that something else will go wrong) My understanding is that my arm goes into a splint next. I should be able to move my fingers more easily and perhaps I can get back to what I love to do.


Posted by Stephanie @ 1:11 pm

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